Family Wellness Chiropractic

Family Wellness Chiropractic
At Vital Family Chiropractic, we work to provide you and your family with the best wellness strategies to being well and leaving a legacy of health for generations to come.
We believe that all chiropractic care has a beginning and an end, but like any wellness routine, regular chiropractic care is shown to add years of health to your life.
We love seeing our patients graduate to wellness care. This shows that they’re committed to maintaining their neurological health for themselves and their family members for years to come.

Why get chiropractic care if you’re not experiencing symptoms?
Symptoms are only a warning sign that something could be wrong. We know that a well-functioning nervous system helps our bodies adapt to stressors in life - technology, toxins, trauma and emotional stress.
For our little ones, the most neurological development happens in the first 2 years of life, which is why chiropractic care is imperative for proper brain development and brain function during this time. This will allow the greatest foundation of health for your child for years and generations to come. Children are not immune to the stressors we experience either - think iPad, eating off the floor, falling off the bed or a new sibling.
With regular chiropractic care, your body and your child’s body are better able to adapt to these stressors, leading to less disease and illness over time allowing you to live your life to its fullest potential!

“I started bringing my son to Dr. Whitley when he was 2.5 weeks old at the recommendation of a lactation consultant, and I’m so glad I did! We struggled with breastfeeding from day 1 - he didn’t open his mouth wide enough to achieve a good latch… Around 8 weeks old, my son started nursing! Along with promoting better jaw & cranial movement for my son, Dr. Whitley was a great source of positivity and support for me in our breastfeeding journey”.
- Jennifer

“Our son has made so much progress with nursing with the addition of chiropractic care! Even a few weeks after his tongue and lip tie revision, nursing was still very painful for me, tiring for him, and frustrating for both of us. Since adding chiropractic visits to his plan of care his latch and suck pattern have improved.. he has made improvements with sleep, digestion, and gas pains as well. We are so thankful for the progress he has made with nursing. What was painful and frustrating is now comfortable and enjoyable for both of us!”

“Audrey was 14 months and we had started physical therapy for about 2 months since she wasn't bearing weight on her legs or attempting to walk. At Vital she was examined thoroughly and gently … When we got home from our second visit she pulled up on the side of the couch!! She has been making steady progress since then and is walking independently! They are so knowledgeable, kind and caring that I drive all the way from Baytown to the Heights for our appointments because I trust them so much!”