Newborn & Pediatric Chiropractic

Newborn & Pediatric Chiropractic
We believe it is easier to build healthy kids than fix broken adults. The most brain development occurs in the first two years of life.
Interference to this development of a child’s nervous system during this period may have lasting permanent effects on the child’s developmental potential.
One-third of a person’s nervous system is protected by the skull and its cranial bones. The brain is encased in the cranial bones and their rhythm and proper movement is imperative for neural development. Improper movement of cranial structures can impact: feeding or nursing, sleep, and the regulation of the digestive and nervous systems.
Birth trauma and in utero constraint can be responsible for creating subluxations in the infant's spine and cranium. Assisted deliveries, including: C-sections, forceps, vacuum and induction procedures increase the chance of neurological damage to the infant's spine and nervous system.

Regular Chiropractic care through infancy and childhood have been shown to:
IMPROVE: Sleep, focus, behavior, & bowel function
DECREASE: Allergies and asthma, colic and reflux, ear infections & anxiety
Chiropractic does not treat any of these symptoms mentioned in the above texts, rather it increases the body's ability to function optimally and regulate itself from the inside with proper nervous system conduction, allowing your growing ones to develop the way they were created to.

“I started bringing my son to Dr. Whitley when he was 2.5 weeks old at the recommendation of a lactation consultant, and I’m so glad I did! We struggled with breastfeeding from day 1 - he didn’t open his mouth wide enough to achieve a good latch… Around 8 weeks old, my son started nursing! Along with promoting better jaw & cranial movement for my son, Dr. Whitley was a great source of positivity and support for me in our breastfeeding journey”.
- Jennifer

“Our son has made so much progress with nursing with the addition of chiropractic care! Even a few weeks after his tongue and lip tie revision, nursing was still very painful for me, tiring for him, and frustrating for both of us. Since adding chiropractic visits to his plan of care his latch and suck pattern have improved.. he has made improvements with sleep, digestion, and gas pains as well. We are so thankful for the progress he has made with nursing. What was painful and frustrating is now comfortable and enjoyable for both of us!”

“Audrey was 14 months and we had started physical therapy for about 2 months since she wasn't bearing weight on her legs or attempting to walk. At Vital she was examined thoroughly and gently … When we got home from our second visit she pulled up on the side of the couch!! She has been making steady progress since then and is walking independently! They are so knowledgeable, kind and caring that I drive all the way from Baytown to the Heights for our appointments because I trust them so much!”